latest version


To activate Jobs extension in Sella, navigate your Wordpress Dashboard to Unyson > Sella Jobs and click the Active button to activate.


Create Jobs Item

To create a new Jobs item, navigate your WordPress Dashboard to Jobs > Add New


The Add New Job page will show. Add the details for the job.

  1. Title - The Job Title of the job.

  2. Editor container - You can add here the job’s descriptions and requirements.

  3. Job Options

    • Type - Type of the job.

    • Location - Location where the job is done.

    • Department - Department which the job is assigned.

    • Display Call to Action - This option is for the pop-up to send a CV to show.

    • Button URL - The URL for the location of the page where the Apply Now button will navigate to. This is also the URL for the Call to Action pop-up.

    • End Date - The date for the last day of the job to be posted. If empty, application has expired.

After adding all the details, click on Publish button to save.